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My Page Foreign language translation guide

  1. 01 Go to http://www.google.com/chromeand install Chrome Browser in your local language. (Refer to image below.) 1번 참고사진
  2. 02 Run installed Chrome Browser and click Hereto move onto translated website.
  3. 03 Select desired language (that you'd like to translate into) for Arrival. (Refer to image below.) 3번 참고사진
  1. 01 Go to http://www.google.com/chromeand install Chrome Browser in your local language. (Refer to image below.) 1번 참고사진
  2. 02 Run Chrome Browser and go to website of Seongnam Migrant Community Service Center (http://www.snmc.or.kr)
  3. 03 Hold the right key of your mouse and press "T" on your keyboard; the website will be translated into your own language. (Refer to image below.) 3번 참고사진