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Involvement Volunteer Work

Purpose of Volunteer Work

  • Volunteer work can improve efficiency in operating the center with support of volunteers who can show their skills in the center's events and programs.

When you are a volunteer, you can

  • Improve community spirit and harmony among social class by participating in the center's projects with locals.
  • lead to social unification and prepare opportunity to realize a society where everyone can associate with each other at the center.
  • enhance quality of the center's programs with your talent donation and receive information on various volunteering works and continuous consultation for the activities to achieve your self-realization.

How to be a volunteer

  • Apply for volunteer work by phone, visit, or on website → get consultation and decide on field of activity → receive training for volunteers → start work volunteer work

Field of Volunteer Works

Field of Volunteer Works
Field Contents
Education Korean, computer, and other skill aptitudes
Event Personnel for events
Administration Administrative work, office assistant, center guidance, vehicle driver
Image/Production Shooting and editing photo and/or video at programs and events
Health free Chinese medicine consultation and checkup
(herbal medicine donation, guidance, consultation, reception, etc.)
Language translation in languages of every nations
PR/Publication PR/Publication for the center, maintenance of online homepage

Contact for Volunteer

  • Seongnam Migrant Community Service Center : 031-754-7070